Every tried rebounding? It is being called the Fall Fitness Trend of 2009!
I love rebounding...I started rebounding this summer and it is my favorite workout. It is easy on the ankles and knees...burns more calories than running in 30 minutes and I can do it while watching television...which is always a bonus.
I love rebounding...I started rebounding this summer and it is my favorite workout. It is easy on the ankles and knees...burns more calories than running in 30 minutes and I can do it while watching television...which is always a bonus.
Rebounding is a facy term for jumping on a mini trampoline. So go dig yours out from the 80's and make sure to put on your purple leg warmers...and rebound with me!
I found this workout online and it starts you off slow but in 6 weeks you will be toned and tightened - give it a try...not the sleek...a little bulky but hey- it works and if you like it...rebound with me today!