Monday, May 4, 2009

Memory Jar - Mom Gift for Monday

I think this is the one we are going to do for our mom this year for Mother's Day. It is really simple...but it is a gift that can last all year. I e-mailed all my brothers and sisters and had them e-mail me at least 5-10 memories of Mom. Things she said, places they went...special, funny, sad, impactful moments in their lives...Once I receive them all I am going to write them down on different colored sheets of paper, put them in a canning jar...decorate it a little bit and send it on its way - It is a gift from the heart, and anytime Mom wants to reflect on a memory - she can go to the jar. If you have enough, there could be one for every day of the year! I love this idea...but what are YOU doing for mothers day? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. That is a SUPER fantabulous idea... thinking I might steal that!!! Thanks!!
